Why Natural Skin Care is Important?
Why Natural Skin Care is Important?
We are often busy in keeping ourselves healthy, by
exercising and following a good diet. That has become a kind of essential part
of our lives. Prevention is always better than cure. So, we better start caring
for ourselves before alarm bells start ringing.
As the title of my blog suggests, I just wanted to share my thoughts and experiences on natural skin care. Everyone, now a days is aware of terms such as organic, herbal, natural, chemical-free, paraben-free, pesticide-free etc. I am not going to explain these terms here. My main concern is to focus on the reason for using natural products. In the long run, chemical based products harm our body. Skin is the largest organ of our body and whatever creams/lotions/powders/shampoos/lipsticks and thousands of such products which we apply affect it both in negative and positive ways. It is ONLY upon US, how we want our skin to get affected. Whether, we want a healthy skin by using soft, herbal, natural plant based ingredients or a damaged skin by exposing it to harmful ingredients, toxins and chemicals.
As a first step, my advice is to inculcate the habit of reading the ingredients of the products before buying so that you get to know the type of product you are actually buying. Do not go by the claims made by advertisers, do your own research. Chemical based products are made from inorganic compounds or petroleum based gels which often clog our pores and increase acne and aging. They weaken our immune system, harm our eyes and limit our skin’s natural healing process. They are absorbed in our blood stream through our skin and damage the body from inside too. Therefore, the question one needs to ponder over is that why do we need to use such skincare products?
Why can we not simply use what the Mother Nature has given us? Just open your eyes and see around you. Observe what is present in NATURE. You will come to know what should be the components of your skin care regimen. Make your own products at home, otherwise look for such ingredients while buying products from the market. Believe me, you will feel satisfied that you are on the right path to a healthy and a glowing skin J.
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